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WRH Construction and Maintenance Schedule 2024

Period Category Preliminary Dates Location Project Possible Customer Impact Duration
No Maintenance Scheduled


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There are no active Notices.

All listed times are CCT


Open Season and Expansion Plans

There are no current open season or expansion plans at this time .

Recent Successes

In December 2023, WRH and REX coordinated the installation of a new receipt Location 40010 WHITE/REX MEEKER (REC), which now allows fully bidirectional flows between WRH and REX.

Cost Estimate Request

This Cost Estimate Request Form will be the basis for either MWP, MWOP or WRH Pipelines to determine the Customer's objectives for a new interconnect or modification of an existing interconnect with the Pipeline. Customer shall return this completed form to Pipeline for preliminary review by design engineering to define and verify the work scope and costs of the project.

When the Customer agrees to the scope of the work and estimated reimbursable cost of the Project, Pipeline will send Customer the Interconnect/Facility Agreement for review and execution. Payment of the estimated project cost will be made via the following:

1. An executed Transportation Service Agreement or a

2. Up-front payment including CIAC gross up or

3. Another option to be determined.

Upon receipt of the executed Interconnect/Facility Agreement and payment of project costs, Pipeline will proceed with engineering design, environmental clearance, material procurement and scheduling of construction of facilities. The entire process, from receipt of executed Agreement and payment can take approximately nine months to a year depending upon lead time for materials and scheduling of construction crews. Tap installations scheduled during winter months (December – February) may be subject to delays due to inclement weather or pipeline restrictions. Significant changes in the Customer's objectives after project authorization will affect the cost estimate and construction schedule.

Please click on this link: Cost Estimate Form and complete the online PDF form. Return this form and any additional attachments to: If Customer is working directly with a Marketing or Business Development Representative, the Cost Estimate Form can be emailed to that individual. For any additional questions, please contact a Marketing or Business Development Representative as listed on the Contacts page.

Transportation Service

Firm Transportation Service (FT) described in White River Hub, LLC FERC Gas Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1 - Rate Schedule FT Section

  • Firm Transportation utilizes capacity within the hub system comprising these essential components: receipt point, delivery point.
  • Tariff Rates:
    • Systemwide Reservation monthly charge:
      • FT: up to $0.31183/Dth/Month or $0.012060/Dth/Day
    • Fuel: Lost and Unaccounted for Gas Reimbursement (see section 12.14)
  • FT and RGS – Primary Receipt to Primary Delivery is highest priority
  • See section 9 for additional information on Priority of Service

Interruptible Transportation Service (IT) described in White River Hub, LLC FERC Gas Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1 - Rate Schedule IT Section

  • Interruptible transportation service utilizes pipeline system capacity that is not utilized by firm transportation service or Firm Residue Gas service and does not have a specific receipt point, delivery point.
  • Tariff Rates:
    • Volumetric charge of up to $0.010250/Dth/d
    • Fuel: Lost and Unaccounted for Gas Reimbursement (see section 12.14)
  • IT Priority of Service is ranked based on rate paid
  • See section 9 for additional information on Priority of Service

Firm Residue Gas Service (RGS) described in White River Hub, LLC FERC Gas Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1 - Rate Schedule RGS Section

  • Firm Residue Gas Service utilizes capacity from the tailgate of a processing facility directly connected to the hub comprising these essential components: receipt point (tailgate of processing facility), delivery point within the hub
  • Tariff Rates:
    • Systemwide Reservation monthly charge:
      • FT: up to $0.311830/Dth/Month or $0.010250/Dth/Day
    • Fuel: Lost and Unaccounted for Gas Reimbursement (see section 12.14)
  • FT and RGS– Primary Receipt to Primary Delivery is highest priority
  • See section 9 for additional information on Priority of Service